Investing strategies

Investing strategies you probably prepare a shopping list before you head out to purchase groceries. You choose what you will buy and how much you can spend. It is also important to establish a goal before you enter the financial markets. This will allow you to make informed decisions.

Distinct concepts

Before you go into the market, it is important to decide if you want to trade, invest, or both. Both trading and Investing strategies are distinct concepts that can co-exist. An investor can buy an index fund to hold for the long-term. This is the easiest and most efficient way to start investing. If you are looking to make your investment more profitable, there are many investing strategies that you can look into. Traders, on the contrary, can buy and sell shares within days, weeks, or months. This means that even the most volatile stock market conditions are an opportunity. Start trading with just a few thousand rupees. You can start trading with money that you are comfortable losing.

Keep learning and learning: Let’s say you want to learn how to play the guitar. Do you want to learn how to play a particular instrument or do you prefer learning about it first? It is the basics that you need to focus on before learning about a new concept. Anyone new to the stock market must learn the basics. Why not? Investing is more than jumping at the chance to make money. You don’t just need to open a demat account or invest in stocks that you are familiar with, recommended by friends, or quoted by an expert. It is important to understand how things work. Warren Buffet said, “Risk is in not knowing what you are doing “.

These are some of the most important areas one should be familiar with.

  • Learn about stock exchanges and how you can place orders on your broker terminal
  • To find great companies that grow, you need to understand the basics of fundamental analysis.
  • To gauge market demand, and supply, you need to learn technical analysis. Stocks with low market participation are not a good place to invest.

Once you have mastered these basics, you can learn how to trade or invest. This is a set of pre-defined rules that tells you which stock to buy, when and when to exit, and how many shares to purchase (risk management). It is important to continue the strategy as long as you can. While most strategies have a 50% win-loss ratio, the winners will return more than the losers. This makes the strategy more profitable.

Investment portfolio

An emergency fund is essential: You can’t predict the future. A fence will protect your investment portfolio by having 3 to 6 months worth of savings.

Diversify: It’s a good idea to diversify your investments. Investing all of your money in one company can be dangerous. Diversify your investments so that even if one company’s stock falls, other investments can compensate. Smart, serious investors tend to have a wide-ranging portfolio.

Final Words

When investing in stocks, be patient and disciplined. The stock market is not a money-making machine. To generate long-term outstanding returns, you should follow a systematic approach to investing your money. You should also remember that you shouldn’t fall in love one stock type. When investing, keep your emotions at bay and think rationally. Only invest in things you really understand. Otherwise, it would just be a gamble.

About Author

Michael Henderson