Amazon is a well-known entity in the online circle and its tentacles are spread across the world covering all 5 continents. The e-commerce platform covers a wide spectrum of consumer goods that range from electronic. To clothing, home appliances to beauty accessories, and household items to fancy toys for children. Amazon has opened up the path for small and medium enterprises. That otherwise would have struggled to make their presence with the consumer. The SME sector is the most benefitted as Amazon awards membership. To its members and advertise their products on its platform and sell them through its well-knitted delivery network. Now, most internet users have started ordering from the website whenever they want to buy both conventional and unconventional items. The SME sector has sustained owing to the influence of the website. Which otherwise would have perished without sufficient customer traffic. Such is the clout and influence of the website those members’ business plans and targets could go awry with a suspension. If such a thing happens you will need an Amazon account suspension protection plan by experienced Amazon counselors.
Why Amazon will suspend your seller account?
There are many reasons why Amazon will suspend your account and they would include:
- Delivering goods other than what customer has ordered.
- Late delivery of ordered goods
- Selling Substandard or low quality items in place of quality products that customer has originally viewed on Amazon website
- Partial delivery of goods. Missing components or not sending the whole item
- Using members’ account to sell others products that are other than what Amazon has approved
- Ignoring warnings and complaints
- Getting bad reviews in the media and customer complaints
The above are serious setbacks for Amazon’s reputation and the website will not take lightly you. If you have committed any of the above violations. Amazon code violations are a big offense because the website’s reputation will take a beating and it will not allow that to happen. There are thousands of seller members who hawk their products and generate sizable revenue. If suspended by Amazon. These accounts will suffer losses amounting to several thousand dollars besides being blanked out by the website. Once suspended you will not be able to sell anything on the website and Amazon shelves won’t display your goods. Two things will happen because of this and they are
Loss of earning and profits due to suspension by the website
Stoppage of publicity for the suspended members goods which eventually will lead to oblivion and isolation of the members’ brand
You can of course appeal to the Amazon administration and they may or may not relent and take you back. You may even have to stand in queue and the waiting period may extend for weeks. During this time your products won’t be on display and your chances of selling them to the public will take a hike. You cannot allow this to happen to you and will have to reactivate amazon account at once so as to arrest the losses and loss of face. Here is where the Amazon experts step in and rescue you.
How to recover a suspended account?
You as a seller member will have to write an appeal letter that will persuade the administration to relent. It may sound easy but it is not. You have to be careful about what you are writing because one word is out of place you will be in deeper trouble. You must seek help from Amazon counselors and ask them to write the letter. These sources usually take one or two days to get the account reinstated and they may possess near 100% or 99% success rate. This you need to check with them and by visiting their website where you can expect to see customer testimonials. The appeal letter is a legal document and has to be written in that way and you may not be capable of writing such letters. Your best bet to recover a suspended Amazon seller account is the online counselors who will do it for you for a small fee. You may have to pay a little more if your offense is of grave concern, but eventually. The Amazon counselor and their appeal will prevail and you will be back in the fold of Amazon within a day or two.